Cheating and Plagiarism

Honesty and integrity are very highly-valued personal traits which colleges and universities expect from their students. Most colleges have a Student Code of Conduct that lists activities for which a student may be disciplined. Students guilty of any of those activities may be suspended from class or expelled from the college. Cheating and plagiarism are both very serious mistakes that some new students make.


Simply put, cheating means not doing your own work. Some examples include:

• Copying someone else's homework assignment;

• Copying someone else's paper;

• Using Cliff's Notes to write a paper without having read the book;

• Copying someone else's paper during a test;

• Using notes during a closed-book test;

• Getting a copy of a test from a student in another class;

• Helping someone else to cheat.

The Differences Between Working With Others and Cheating

•Talking over ideas or brainstorming together before you do the assignment is great! However, when you start writing out the assignment, you should work by yourself.

• Sharing ideas is helpful; however, copying identical sentences and / or paragraphs is not acceptable.

• Asking someone to respond yo your writing is useful in the revision process.

  • Someone can help you to:

    • reorganize your ideas;

    • add more details;

    • identify awkward or non-standard English;

    • locate sentences that contain grammar errors so that you can correct them.

    No one else should edit your paper or correct the errors on it.

Plagiarism in Compositions

Plagiarism means using the words of another author as if they were your own and not notating who wrote the material. Some examples include:

• Copying from a text or the internet without using quotation marks or writing down who said the words;

• Paraphrasing form a text or the internet without saying whose ideas you're using.

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