Reading Comprehension Article 27

Short ESL Reading - Parenting Fears of Children

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See Also:

Bringing up Children
TV Effects on Children
How to Discipline Children's Behavior
Answer the questions according to the reading

Fears of Children

Parents teach their children to be fearful and cautious of specific dangers, such as fire or crossing the road. Anxiety can be useful, because it helps protect the child from harm. However, children can be fearful of situations or objects that adults don't consider threatening. The sources of fear may change as the child matures; for example, a fear of the dark or monsters under the bed may give way to fears of burglary or violence. Tactics that don't work include teasing the child for being afraid, or compelling them to confront fearful situations. Helping the child to deal with fear includes taking their feelings seriously, encouraging them to talk about their anxieties, telling them the facts, and giving them the opportunity to confront their fears at their own pace and with your support.

1. It is stated in the article that ----.

A) parents should not teach their children to be cautious of specific
B) the best way to avoid fears during childhood is to ignore them
C) every single child has a fear of burglary and violence
D) making fun of the child's fears is the best way to get rid of them
E) the fears of the childhood can lead to some other fears in the

2. It is clear from the passage that forcing the child to face his fears directly ----.

A) works when the child isn't eager to talk about his fears
B) helps the child to learn the facts and realities
C) may protect him from same certain dangers
D) can be useful with same trivial fears
E) is not a good way to follow

3. It can be understood from the article that adults ----.

A) prefer to cope with difficult situations at their own pace
B) should talk to the child about his fears in an open and honest way
c) may have same fears but may not be aware of them
D) do not want to talk about their own fears unlike children
E) are much more vulnerable to fearful situations than children

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