Irrelevant Sentences Exercise 4

In these exercises, identify the irrelevant sentences for each passage. This is a good practice to improve your reading and prepare for major exams such as TOEFL, IELTS, PET, KET...

Subject Exercises:

1. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 1
2. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 2
3. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 3
4. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 4
5. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 5
6. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 6
7. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 7
8. Irrelevant Sentence Exercises 8
Identify the irrelevant sentence in each short passage.

1. Being Thin

(I) Being thin was not always viewed as being desirable. (II) Thinness became the most alarming and deadliest of obsessions. (III) Once upon a time, thin women were considered poor and sickly, unsuitable for nurturing a large family. (IV) What exactly happened to change our view of beauty? (V) The bathing suit undoubtedly played a role in determining the ideal body shape.

I     II    III    IV    V

2. Blue Jeans

(I) Blue jeans in the last thirty years have attained such popularity that they have become an American icon. (II) It was not until the late 1960s, however, that blue jeans became the universally worn clothing item it is today. (III) In the history of fashion, no other garment has served as an example of status ambivalence and ambiguity than blue jeans. (IV) At its birth, blue jeans were created for the California coal miners in the mid-nineteenth century. (V) Levi Strauss was 17 years old when he emigrated from Bavaria to New York in 1847.

I     II    III    IV    V

3. Ketchup

(I) Even if it sounds odd to many of us, some ice cream manufacturer allegedly once tried a ketchup ice cream. (II) Ketchup dates back as far as 1600 AD, when sailors traveling to China discovered a sauce called ketsiap. (III) It was a sauce that was made out of soy or oysters and didn't contain tomatoes. (IV) This version quickly changed ingredients to include mushrooms, anchovies and lemon peel. (V) Then in the late 1700's tomato ketchup began the transformation to today's sweet tomato version.

I     II    III    IV    V

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