Patterns of Organization in Reading

Transition Patterns Exercises: Best for middle school students; 6th grade, 7th grade...

Subject Exercises:

1. Patterns of Transition Exercise 1
2. Patterns of Transition Exercise 2
3. (PDF) Patterns of Transition Exercise 3

Also See:

Patterns of Transition Exercises
Patterns of Organization
For this exercise, read each passage and answer the questions that follow.

A boycott is an organized refusal by people to deal with a person or group in order to reach a certain goal. An example is the famous boycott that began in 1955 when Mrs. Rosa Parks of Montgomery, Alabama, refused to obey a law requiring black people to sit at the back of city buses. Mrs. Parks was arrested, and her arrest sparked a boycott of the city bus system by African Americans. The boycott was organized and led by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Rather than continue to lose money needed to run the bus system, the city changed the law.

1. The main pattern of organization is:

A) definition and example
B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order

Transitions that signal the pattern:

The story of the city mouse and the country mouse is one version of the age-old debate between the people who prefer city life and those who prefer country life. In the city there is always something to do. But in the country, you can always find peace and quiet. In the city, you are constantly exposed to new and different kinds of people. On the other hand, in the country, you are always among familiar faces. These are the images we have. The reality is less clear-cut. Rural towns do have their night spots, and even New York City has places to escape to and be alone with your thoughts.

2. The main pattern of organization is:

A) definition and example
B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order

Transitions that signal the pattern:

Many people say rapid population growth is the reason why nearly one billion people go hungry every day. However, political factors are also among the causes of hunger. Firs, many countries with hungry citizens actually export crops to other countries. Exporting the crops offers greater profits than selling them at home. Secondly, surpluses that could feed many people are often destroyed in order to keep the price of products high. For example, some crops are allowed to rot, and extra milk is fed to pigs or even dumped.

3. The main pattern of organization is:

A) definition and example
B) cause and effect
C) comparison-contrast
D) time order

Transitions that signal the pattern:

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