Phrasal Verbs Answers

Complete the information with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs in the boxes.

hang uplet downthrow out end up with

1. I just my first issue of Motorcycle Mama. I'm nobody's mama

2. and I don't own a motorcycle, so how did I this subscription?

3. Well, my neighbor's son was raising money for his soccer team, and

4. I didn't want to him . It's easy to on

5. telemarketers, but it's hard to say no to your friends and neighbors.

get tohelp outwatch out for fall for

6. The magazine company me through a friendship. It's one of

7. the ways "persuasion professionals" get us to say yes. Of course it's OK to

8. the local soccer team. But a lot of people scams

9. because of similar techniques. these common scams.

give backfind outgo along with lay outturn down

1. When someone gives you something, you want to something

2. . This desire to return a favor can cost you money when a

3. telemarketer announces you've won a vacation or a new car. These offers

4. aren't free. When people them, they always

5. that there's a tax or a fee to collect the "free" prize. Since they've

6. accepted the offer, they feel obligated to pay. You should

7. these offers . These are scams-all too often people

8. money and receive nothing.

fill outcount onput onturn uppick out

1. A TV actor will a doctor's white jacket and talk about cough

2. medicine. In a magazine ad, a woman in a business suit will help you

3. the best investment firm. Ads with fake "authority figures" are

4. easy to spot, but there's a new Internet scam that's harder to recognize.

5. The scammer sends e-mails that seem to be from well-known banks. They

6. tell you that a problem with your account has . Then they

7. send you to an Internet site to forms with your account

8. information and password. The site seems to have authority-it looks like a

9. real thing. But a real bank will never ask for your information over the

1. internet. You can that!

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