Short Reading Exercise 74

Answer the questions according to the reading.
ESL Reading Comprehension Exercise 74 - SUKARNO

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Sukarno The Great Leader

He was that rare figure: a natural-born leader, tailored for greatness. When he was but a child his mother had whispered to him, "My son, you are a child of the dawn. You will be a man of glory, a great leader of your people." Sukarno never forgot those words. Liberating his land from 350 years of colonial rule, he molded many disparate peoples into a nation that became the fifth most populous in the world, one of the richest of all in natural resources. He gave his people a language of their own, raised their literacy rate from six to above 55 percent, gave them an intense from pride in being Indonesians. He had monumental talents: an oratorical gift that could sway and charm, an abundance of that indefinable mystique called "charisma." Responding, his people gave him loyalty beyond love, reverence approaching god-worship.

1. Sukarno is a man who ----.

A) is endowed with leadership
B) used to design clothes when he was a child
C) had a natural-born great mother
D) caused people to be rebellious against the government
E) tried to speak a figurative language

2. It's stated in the passage that Sukarno ----.

A) is the only child of his parents
B) couldn't liberate his land from colonial rule
C) built a nation out of separate communities
D) opposed giving his public their own language
E) became the fifth most popular leader in the world

3. After having freed his land from colonial rule, Sukarno ----.

A) suddenly built a monument dedicated to himself
B) caused his people to be ashamed of themselves
C) increased the population of Indonesia
D) became a governor of Indonesia
E) increased the level of literacy of his people

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