Parts of Speech

Parts of speech also called word classes, include nouns, pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, function words.


Names a person, place or a thing, including feelings, ideas and qualities

Names a whole category of persons, place or things

Names a particular person, place or a thing
women, Anne, London, parts of speech, anger, freedom, weight

Women, street, car

Anne, London, Ford
PronounsUsed in place of a noun I, me, her, mine, theirs, who?, that, all, both...



Tells what a noun or pronoun is or does

Shows physical or mental activity

Links the subject to a word or phrase that renames and / or describes it
Jump, look, see, be

run, go, think, forget

Jessy is the winner.
You seem very tired.
Adjectives Modifies a noun or pronoun: tells what kind, how much, how many, or which oneTwo happy little boys with red balloons
That hat is new.
AdverbsModifies an action verb, an adjective, or another adverb; tells where, when, how or to what extent/degree He is playing outside.
We worked quickly.
They are leaving soon
Micheal is very smart.
Prepositions Shows the relationship between the noun or pronoun that follows it and some other word in the sentenceThe man in the blue car is going to the park.
The letter is from him.
ConjunctionsParts of speech that join words, phrases or clausesand, for, yet, but, or, nor, so
Jason and Eric work together.
We were late, so we ate in the car.
InterjectionsExpresses surprise or emotion Oh! The car's on fire! Help!

Sentence Structure Chart

SENTENCEExpresses a complete thought; needs a subject and a verb;
may also need a direct object,
an indirect object or
a subject complement
Matt fixed the radio.
Jeff is happy.
Check your backpack.
Where did you leave your book?
SUBJECT Tells who or what is doing the
action or spoken about or to
Matt fixed the radio.
Jeff is happy.
(You) Check your backpack.
Where did you leave your book?
VERB Expresses action or links the
subject to a word that
identifies or describes the
subject; every sentence
needs a verb
Matt fixed the radio.
Jeff is happy.
(You)Check your backpack.
Where did you leave your book?
DIRECT OBJECTTells who or what receives the action of an action verbBrian hit the ball to me.
I saw Sandra at the mall.
INDIRECT OBJECTTells to whom or for whom an
action is done
She gave me her paperwork.
Sarah left Mary Rose a note.
SUBJECT COMPLEMENTFollows a linking verb and
renames or describes the
Anna was our receptionist.
Angelina is an English tutor.

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