
A pronoun is a word that can be substituted for a noun, noun phrase or for other pronouns without changing the meaning of the sentence.

Also See:

Subject Pronouns
Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Double Possessive Pronouns
Impersonal Pronouns
Reciprocal Pronouns

Pronouns Chart
Pronouns Exercises
Multiple Choice Pronouns Tests

See the Video Exercises

Personal Pronouns

I, you, he... my, your, his... mine, yours, his...

See personal pronouns details

Reflexive Pronouns

Myself, yourself, himself, herself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves, itself.

See reflexive pronouns details

Relative Pronouns

Who, whom, whomever, whose, which, that, why, when

See Details:
Relative Pronouns Details

See Exercises:
Relative Pronouns Exercises 1 Relative Pronouns Exercises 2

Demonstrative Pronouns

See This That These Those + Exercise

Also known as pointing pronouns, are used to indicate which thing you are talking about. The pointing pronouns are this, these, that, those.

Use this or these (plural) to point the objects near the speaker. Use that or those (plural) to point the objects far from the speaker.

I want to buy this and those over there.(pointing pronoun, stands in for what the speaker is pointing to)
You should taste those, they are really good.(pointing pronoun)

Warning: A pronoun replaces a noun, or else it is an adjective.

You should taste those apples. (adjective, modifying apples)
That man looks suspicious. (adjective, modifying the man)
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