Relative Clause Examples

Combine the two sentences using the second one as a relative clause. Try to use all possible relative pronouns (who, whom, which, that, in which, at which, when) or no relative pronouns.

Subject Explanations:

Relative/Adjective Clauses
Relative Pronouns

Similar Exercises:

Relative Pronouns Exercises 1 / 2
Relative Clauses Exercise
1) The woman is my English teacher. I was talking to her just now.

a. The woman who I was talking to just now is my English teacher.

b. The woman whom I was talking to just now is my English teacher.

c. The woman to whom I was talking just now is my English teacher.

d. The woman that I was talking to just now is my English teacher.

e. The woman I was talking to just now is my English teacher.

2) San Francisco is a city. You can experience the four seasons in San Francisco.

a. San Francisco is a city which you can experience the four seasons in.

b. San Francisco is a city that you can experience the four seasons in.

c. San Francisco is a city in which you can experience the four seasons.

d. San Francisco is a city where you can experience the four seasons.

e. San Francisco is a city you can experience the four seasons in.

3) Eight o’clock is the time. I’ll call you then.

a. Eight o’clock is the time when I’ll call you.

b. Eight o’clock is the time that I’ll call you.

c. Eight o’clock is the time at which I’ll call you.

d. Eight o’clock is the time I’ll call you.

4) The movie wasn't suitable for kids. I didn't let my son watch it.

a. The movie that I didn't let my son watch wasn't suitable for kids.
(This particular movie that I didn't let my son watch, was not for kids. That's why I didn't let him watch it.)

b. The movie wasn't suitable for kids, which I didn't let my son watch.
(The movie wasn't suitable for kids and I didn't let my son watch it.)

c. The movie I didn't let my son watch wasn't suitable for kids.

5) She couldn't get the apples. They were beyond reach.

a. She couldn't get the apples, which were beyond reach.
(All the apples were beyond reach and she couldn't get any.)

b. She couldn't get the apples that were beyond reach.
(She may have gotten some of the apples but she could not get the ones beyond the reach.)

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