Reading 52 - Greek Homer

Reading Comprehension 52: Greek Homer, Odyssey, Troy

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Homer was a Greek epic poet. Both the date and the place of his birth and death are not known precisely, but recent research suggests a date between 1050 and 800 BC. It has even been claimed that no such man as Homer existed and that The Iliad and The Odyssey are collections of traditional ballads and not the work of one man. In any event they were known all over the Greek-speaking world before the sixth century BC. The Iliad is an epic poem dealing with the siege of Troy by the Greeks. The Odyssey describes the wandering of Odysseus, a Greek seafarer, on his way back to Ithaca after the fall of Troy.

1. We can infer from the passage that ----.

A) it's not definite when and where Homer was born
B) Homer only deals with poetry
C) recent research shows the impossibility of finding Homer's birth date
D) some suggest that he was born in 800 BC
E) Homer's birth place is known but his date of birth is still unknown

2. The Odyssey ----.

A) belongs to another poet rather than Homer
B) explains the voyage of a sailor
C) has no connection with the Iliad
D) doesn't have a specific protagonist
E) is an anonymous work of the Greek nation

3. The works of Homer ----.

A) have no potential readers
B) deal with the siege of Troy by the Greeks
C) have been thought to have different writers
D) are collections of traditional ballads
E) have affected the 6th century people in terms of life style

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