TOEFL® Reading Practice Tests - 61

Free TOEFL Reading Practice Online - ESL Articles With Follow up Comprehension Questions

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See Also:

Nuclear Danger
Stratosphere Layer Of Atmosphere
Fusion vs Fission Nuclear Energy
Natural Gas in Oil

Surface Rocks

Answer questions 1-3 according to the following reading about rocks.

Mapping surface rocks is the first stage in modern oil exploration. By studying the rocks on the surface, geologists can guess at the structure of the rocks beneath the surface. Another method that helps them do this is to use an instrument called a gravimeter. This measures the slight differences in the gravitational force at different points on the surface of the Earth. The denser rocks have a greater gravitational attraction than the lighter rocks in the surface layers. By taking gravimeter readings at a number of places along the surface, it is possible to "map" the density of the rocks below, thus helping to find oil.

1. According to the passage, ----.

A) the rocks should be cracked first to drill oil
B) the rocks underneath the soil are spotted by the help of gravimeter
C) by examining the rocks, geologists find the coal
D) gravimeter is only used in the mountainous places to locate oil
E) oil reserves are closely bound up with dead creatures

2. Rocks ----.

A) which have the denser gravitational force have more oil than the
        lighter ones
B) can be located by studying structure of the soil
C) can be found at different parts of the Earth
D) are first studied so as to locate the oil reservations
E) deal only with the structure of the gravimeter but not the gravitation

3. It could be drawn out of the passage that ----.

A) gravimeter readings are denser on the surface
B) oil exploration needs some steps to be taken before drilling
C) to be sure whether it's rocky, geologists use gravitational force
D) the bigger rocks absorb the gravitational force
E) if it's rocky, there are huge oil reservations underneath the surface

2. Gases in the Air

We hardly ever notice the mixture of gases that surround us. We only realize it if there is a strong wind, or when fog or smog cuts off our view into the distance. Yet we depend on the air in many ways. It provides the oxygen that we breathe. Plants, on which all animals depend for food, could not live without the carbon dioxide in the air. And it is a barrier, hundreds of miles deep, protecting us from the burning ultra-violet rays of the sun. Fast-moving pieces of stone called meteoroids are burnt up when they enter the atmosphere from space, before they can reach the ground. And cosmic rays, which are made up of fragments of atoms traveling from distant parts of space, are slowed down before they can do damage.

4. It is obvious in the passage that we ----.

A) nearly are not aware of the combination of gases in nature
B) do not depend on the air due to its complexities
C) are unconscious that there is strong wind around us
D) have no inclinations to learn something more about air
E) notice the advantages of the mixture of gases

5. It is stated in the passage that air ----.

A) provides us with carbon dioxide
B) enables the plants to get enough oxygen to breathe
C) is vital both for human beings and plants
D) makes it difficult to protect us from ultra-violet rays of the sun
E) has the cosmic rays which are made up of fragments of atoms which
        damage the atmosphere

6. Meteoroids ----.

A) cannot reach the ground as they are
B) are made of pieces of atoms
C) have great power to protect us from cosmic rays
D) damage the ground
E) travel from distant parts of space

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