Quantifiers Exercises 1

See the Video Exercise

Complete the following exercise with correct quantifiers.

1-3. We are going to be late. There is too (much / many) traffic.

    Yeah, the (amount / number) of people driving is incredible.

    I've never seen this (much / many) cars.

4-5. Can you bring soda to the picnic? I don't have (some / any).

    Yeah, I think I've got (some / any) left over from the party.

6-9. How do you feel about your new job? Do you have as (much /

    many) responsibilities as you used to?

    The job is great. I have about the same (amount / number) of

    work to do as before, but I have (less / fewer) stress and

     (less / fewer) problems.

10-12. How do you think you did on the test? I think I did (little / a

    little) better than last time, maybe even (a lot / many) better.

    What about you?

    Well, I think I probably made (few / a few) mistakes, but I have

    the feeling I did well overall.

13-18. Mr. President, do you think (much / many) of your proposed

    legislation will be passed by Congress during this session?

    Yes I think (a great deal / a great many) of our proposals

    will be approved. We're not taking (nothing / anything) for

    granted, though. We still have (a great deal of / a great

    many) work to do.

    The polls say that there's (little / a little) support nationwide

    for your military program. Isn't that going to hurt you?

    Not in the long run, no. (Few / A few) of the voters actually

    support the military system the way it is now. I think we will be


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