Simple Verb Tenses Test 1

Simple Verb Tenses - ESL / EFL Practice Quiz


Verb Tenses Chart

Similar Tests:

1. Simple Tenses Quiz 1
2. Simple Tenses Test 2
3. Simple Tenses Quiz 3
4. Simple Tenses Practice 4
1. Early signs of the rebirth of civilization in Western Europe ---- to appear in the 11th century as trade ---- again in Italy.

were beginning / will start
began / started
would begin / starts
begin / was starting
began / would be starting

2. When a group ---- to a new country, its members ---- that they have to modify their way of life, including their celebrations of significant events.

will immigrate / find
immigrated / would find
are immigrating / will be found
immigrates / find
were immigrating / found

3. When he ---- that his nomination would mean competing with his closest friend he ---- to withdraw.

realizes / will be decided
realized / was deciding
will realize / decides
would realize / decided
realized / decided

4. Computers that once ---- up entire rooms ---- now small enough to put on desktops and into wristwatches.

took / are
were taking / would be
will take / will be
are taking / will be
would take / are

5. The immune system ---- by distinguishing between the body's own materials and things that ---- foreign to the body.

is working / were
works / would be
will be working / are
works / are
was working / will be

6. Despite the multiethnic nature of the Balkans it ---- that most inhabitants of the peninsula ' ---- common ancestors.

will seem / will share
seems / share
seemed / will share
seems / were sharing
would seem / will be sharing

7. The minute we ---- his gift we ---- him a note of thanks.

received / wrote
receive / would write
are receiving / wrote
will receive / would write
were receiving / wrote

8. Women and children ---- a right to live their lives free from all forms of violence and abuse, and society ---- a duty to recognize and defend this right.

will have / had
would have / has
have / has
will have / would have
have / had

9. As soon as there ---- even a temporary break in the weather the climbers ---- their attempt to reach the summit,

is / will renew
was / renew
will be / renewed
is / renewed
was / will renew

10. She said she ---- late at the office that evening and that she ---- home till about eleven.

is working / got
would work / isn't getting
was working / gets
would be working / wouldn't get
will be working / was getting

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