Adjectives and Adverbs Test 4

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences

1. The Mediterranean Sea, which means 'in the midst of lands' In Latin, is the world's ---- inland sea and surrounded by Europe, Asia, and Africa.

as large
the larger
the largest

2. ---- you shout at your children, ---- they will ignore it.

More / more
The most / the most
The more / the most
The most / the more
The more / the more

3. The new language school has a ---- exam pass rate than the other schools in the area.

so high
the highest

4. This machine is ---- of the two models in the shop, so you should buy that one.

more modern
the most modern
one of the most modern
as modern as
the more modern

5. My cherry cake wasn't ---- a disaster ---- I'd thought it would be, but it didn't taste anything like my mother's.

such / as
so / that
as / as
more / than
the same / as

6. He started to work even ---- when he saw his supervisor.

as hurried as
hurried enough
more hurriedly
the most hurried
so hurriedly that

7. People in America IIve ---- than many other people.

more extravagant
more extravagantly
the most extravagant

8. As ---- traffic means ---- traffic accidents, people should use public transportation more.

more / less
fewer / fewer
a few / less
less / fewer
few / less

9. There was ---- a strong wind ---- we decided to stay indoors.

so / that
such / as
so / as
too / that
such / that

10. Cars are becoming ---- damaging to the environment ---- factory chimneys.

as / as
so / that
so / as
much / than
such / as

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