Anlam Butunlugu Alistirmalari

LYS, KPDS, UDS, PROFICIENCY gibi sinavlarin okuma bolumu sorularinda etkili olmak icin...

1. Sayfamizin devamina bakiniz
2. Okuma Parcalari Sorulari
3. TOEFL, KET, PET Paragraflari
4. IELTS, TOEFL... Okuma Parcalari
5. Paragrafin Akisini Bozan
6. FCE Paragraflari
8. Cambrdige Paragraf Sorulari
Sitemizin paragrafin akisini bozan cumleyi tespit etme ornek sorulari ve cevaplarindan yararlanabilirsiniz. Zorluk seviyeleri bu sinavlara gore ayarlanmis ayrica uluslararasi seviyelendirme kuruluslarinin da tablolarinda belirtilmistir.

Bu Bolum Sorularimizin Zorluk Dereceleri
ILSC LevelI3 - I4
Canadian Language Benchmark7-8
Common European FrameworkB2
Cambridge Main SuitFCE
Cambridge BusinessBEC - Vantage
TOEFL ITP415 - 500
TOEIC®627 - 750

Diger Okuma Alistirmalarimiz Seviyeleri
Diyalog Tamamlama sorulari
Cumle Tamamlama Sorulari
Anlamca Yakin Olani Bulunuz
Anlamin Akisini bozan cumle
Paragraf Tamamlama Sorulari
Okuma Parcasi Sorulari
Baslangic - Orta
Orta Oncesi - Orta
Orta - Orta Ustu
Orta ve Ileri
Orta Ustu - Ileri

Asagidaki paragraflari okuyunuz ve anlamin akisini bozan cumleyi isaretleyiniz.

1. Garfield

(I)Garfield is a comic strip featuring the cat Garfield, the pet dog Odie, and their socially inept owner Jon Arbuckle. (II) The main character is Garfield, who is a lazy, overweight, orange cat. (III) He considers himself to be more intelligent than humans or dogs. (IV) He was named Garfield after his grandfather. (V) He hates Mondays and loves lasagne apparently.

I    II    III    IV    V

2. Alfred Hitchcock

(I) With more than fifty feature films Alfred Hitchcock remains one of the most popular directors of all time. (II) Hitchcock's films draw heavily on both fear and fantasy. (III) He began directing in the United Kingdom. (IV) They often portray innocent people caught up in circumstances beyond their understanding. (V) The movie Rebecca, which evokes the fears of a young bride, is a good example of this.

I    II    III    IV    V

3. Doping

(I) Doping is the use of drugs to try to improve sports performance. (II) This practice is banned by sports federations throughout the world. (III) Athletes need to know which substances are banned in sport. (IV) The use of drugs during athletic festivals is evident. (V) Furthermore, they must make sure that any product or medication they take does not contain a prohibited substance.

I    II    III    IV    V

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