Passive Causative ESL Quiz 2

Choose the appropriate options to complete the sentences.

1. Epilepsy ---- to be caused by poor air, which ---- to be carried by the veins to the brain.

is believed / thought
believes / is thought
was believed / was thought
is believing / is thinking
will be believed / has thought

2. The Wii, which is a video game console ---- by Nintendo ---- on November 19, 2006.

made / was released
is made / was released
was made / will release
makes / released
made / released

3. He ---- his first collection of poems in the early eighties and since that time he ---- by critics and public.

publishes / praised
published / has been praised
publishes / has praised
was published / was praised
will publish / will be praised

4. We can very confidently predict that if more of the forests ----, there ---- erosion

are cut / will be
cut / is
will cut / was
have been cut / used to be
was cut / will be

5. The poor bird ---- and all its efforts to escape from the trap ---- in vain.

has been captured / had been
captures / were
had been captured / was
will capture / are
had been captured / were

6. To have a clear image, stars ---- with a telescope.

must be observe
had better observe
should be observed
had to observe
could have been observed

7. It ---- that his music ---- thousands of people in the next years.

was thought / will influence
thinks / is influencing
is thought / will influence
will be thought / influences
thought / influenced

8. Archaeologists ---- today that the pyramid of an ancient Egyptian pharaoh ---- after being buried for generations.

announced / had rediscovered
announces / is rediscovered
are announced / was rediscovered
will announce / rediscovers
have announced / has been rediscovered

9. A Malawi woman who ---- with HIV five years ago ---- a baby now.

is facing / expects
is faced / was expected
was faced / is expecting
faces / expected
faced / will be expected

10. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl ---- an international bestseller that ---- into more than 50 languages.

is / has been translated
had been / is translated
is / has translated
will be / translated
was / will translate

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