Reported Speech Examples 2

Direct speech and reported speech of more complex sentences- Try converting from one another or copy to use as exercise.

Also See:
Say vs Tell Exercises
Subjunctive That Clause

Reported Speech Part 2

1. "What time does the next bus leave?" he said. "I need to get to the station."
1. He asked what time the next bus left because he needed to get to the station.

2. "Don't go swimming in the lake," she said. "The water is filthy."
2. She warned them not to go swimming in the lake because the water was filthy.

3. "Let's go shopping tomorrow," she said. "The sales have started."
3. She suggested going shopping the following day because the sales had started.

4. "Stand up," the teacher said to the pupils. "The headmaster is coming."
4. The teacher ordered the pupils to stand up because the headmaster was coming.

5. "Please don't take my ring," she said to him. "It was a present."
5. She begged him not to take her ring be cause it had been a present.

6. "It's very late, Martin," his mother said. "Where have you been?"
6. His mother reminded him that it was very late and asked him where he had been.

7. "Shall I cook the dinner?" he said to her. "You look very tired."
7. He offered to cook the dinner, adding that she looked very tired.

8. "Please stop making that noise!" she said to him. "I can't concentrate."
8. She asked him to stop making that noise, explaining that she couldn't concentrate.

9. "Yes, I dropped your vase," she said. "I was cleaning the shelf."
9. She admitted dropping my vase as she was cleaning the shelf.

10. "Can I use the car, please?" she said. "I need to run some errands."
10. She asked if she could use the car because she needed to run some errands.

11. "I'm sorry I'm late," he said. "The car wouldn't start."
11. He apologized for being late, explaining that the car wouldn't start.

12. "Why are you teasing your sister?" she asked him. "You know it makes her unhappy."
12. She asked/wondered why he was teasing his sister, reminding him that it made her unhappy.

13. "Why won't you come to the party?" he said to her. "Everyone would love to see you."
13. He asked why she wouldn't go to the party and added that everyone would love to see her.

14. "It was Rob who broke the window," he said to her. "He was kicking the football."
14. He accused Rob of breaking the window as he was kicking the football.

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