Thème de Grammaire | Explications Détaillées | Exemples Simples |
Adjectifs | Adjectifs | free grammar lessons |
Adverbes | Adverbes | Drive slowly | Adjectifs vs Adverbes | Adjectifs vs Adverbes | Good vs Well |
a / an / the Articles | Articles | a test, an exam, the test you took yesterday |
Verbes Auxiliaires | Verbes Auxiliaires | Learning English will be free. |
Causatif | Causatif | I got them to paint my room. I had my sister cook for me. |
Conjonctions / Transitions | Conjonctions Conjonctions de Pratique | and, but, so that... |
Déterminants / Quantificateurs | Déterminants Déterminants Pratique | little, a little, few... |
Gérondif et l'infinitif | Gérondif / l'infinitif | I keep thinking, I hope to see you |
Homonymes | Homonymes | Bass-Bass, Deer-Dear, By-Bye |
Le conditionnel Les phrases de “si” | Le conditionnel Les phrases de “si” | If only you were here |
Impératifs | Impératifs | Speak English, go there, come here... |
Discours direct - indirect | Discours direct - indirect | Henry said that he was going to work. |
Inversion | Inversion | Never again will I listen to you. |
Les verbes irréguliers | Les verbes irréguliers | Go, went, gone |
Modals / Auxiliaires | Modals / Auxiliaires | must, should, have to... |
Noms | Noms | bus, family, Ohio |
Participe | Phrase de participe.. | Present, Past, Perfect Participe |
La construction d’une phrase | La construction d’une phrase | Subject, Verb, Object... |
La voix active – la voix passive | La voix passive | The letter was delivered |
Verbes à Particule | Verbes à Particule | Blow up, break down, ask around... |
Prépositions | Prépositions | In,On, at, of... |
Pronoms | Pronoms | I, mine, that, those |
La phrase interrogative | La phrase interrogative | Lessons are free, aren't they? |
Pronoms relatifs | La proposition subordonée relative | The child who was on television is beautiful. |
Les temps de verbe tableau | Les temps Anglais | I see you all the time, I saw you yesterday, I have seen you before... |